Looking for the stock Roblox animator script/module to take references from

I’m using a different approach to animate rigs on my game, so I had to create my own animator module, since the stock animator is insufficient for my needs. Unfortunately, it’s far from perfect, so it’d be awesome for me to see how Roblox managed the track system, and take references from.

Does anyone have any idea how I can, or if I can obtain the default animator script or module?
Thanks in advance.

Go into an empty baseplate in studio. Press play. Find the animate script under your character in the explorer.

Not the character animations script. I was talking about the entire script Animator class uses to load, play, stop and pause animations, if it even exists.

etc., I’m asking if whatever script or module responsible for managing these methods is obtainable.

I dont think it is…

you might just have to try to make your animator Perfect i guess.

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