Looking For This "Texture/Pattern"

I have been looking for this texture, or if it even is a texture, everywhere. Do you know where I can find it? I think its a cool pattern and would like to have it in my game.

Yes, I did go to a game, But I couldn’t find any example on what I was going on about, Not even on google, I have no idea on what its called.


It’s a custom texture. I’ve done the same thing so pretty much just open a paint program put a few squares down then upload it to Roblox, take the ID, add it to a texture, change the transparency and then the size.

Example File:

Feel free to use just please don’t steal credit, also might have to be approved before you can see it on your side.

ExampleSquares.rbxl (18.3 KB)




Thank you! I will make sure to credit you. :+1:t2:


how do I fix this?

Nevermind! Sorry to bother! I fixed it!

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If you select the texture in properties you can change the x and y scale I and also change the transparency. If you look at the studio file I put in there you can copy and paste it or use that textures prosperities.

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