Looking for thoughts on my build

Hey there, recently I’ve been messing around with future a lot and I finally got around to making a proper build utilizing future with it and I’m quite proud of it. This is my first build that is on the more realistic side or at least on a level where it attempts looks like it was made in another development engine.

Here is a few pictures of the build for you to see, the only free model there would be the plants since I’m not at the skill level to make something like that alone yet.

[Take note that the light streaks coming from the lights are not a part of future]

I’m looking forward to see the feedback!


Looks very nice & unique! I like the more realistic type of builds!


Very nice in my opinion! Loving the lighting & the textures!
Also, a quick spelling mistake on your post name, you wrote “thoughs” wrong. :sweat_smile:


Right know, it looks good like the use of lighting and textures implemented into the scene. Try including more props around the build from my point of view it looks more like a (Modern apartment).

I feel like the objects that are in the scene are good and placed in there proper areas, was this build with using a reference image or from your imagination just to test the new lighting source. If you where to continue to improve this build perhaps include art/pictures on the walls with different lighting options just to make the build stand out.

From what I can see it looks good i can see it’s not very detailed since i’m assuming it was just for messing around with the new lighting.

Overall it’s, not bad good use of custom textures:


I love the look of it! Looks really good especially with the lighting. However I feel maybe there is a bit of overuse with the tile texture, however other than that it’s nice.

Looks nice, But I don’t know about those Beams they’re a bit off and it ruins it. But a part from that it looks good.

Looks incredible! Keep up the grind bro.

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I think it looks phenomenal, the only thing I can say is it looks a bit empty, maybe try adding a little more color, I also do not think the lighting matches the scene, I would go with a more warm-gold color. A rug would be nice as well, maybe a picture of a person too.

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