Looking for Two Scripters (R$)

Looking for two scripters who have knowledge with DataStores, inventory making, and general RPG elements for a RPG Post-Nuclear style game. They will each receive 18.75% of any profit made from the project. One time up front payment can be discussed as well (R$ or USD). Team currently has two builders and an artist. Please contact if interested!

Your post may have been more successful if you have mentioned:

  • More details about your game and why it will be successful/unique

  • Pictures of what you have already

  • Percentage is quite low

  • Most people want a nice upfront sum as well as percentage

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I’d argue 18.75% is quite fair for being 1/5th of the team.

Thats lower than 1/5th of the revenue, doesnt really add up.

It’s less than a 2% differance. Labor isn’t the only cost when making a game.


The artist and I are sharing a 25% cut of the profit (Her and I are likely to be dating soon plus I’m paying her upfront quite a bit) and I’m splitting up the remaining 75% evenly among the remaining 4 developers.

I’m doing some of the building and programming myself, plus doing a lot of the art with her, and writing the actual lore, etc. It’s a 6 person team in total.

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Oh I guess it’s okay then, my fault for not counting correctly, I was assuming a 5 man team, but if you are also doing a great deal of the work then I think it’s a good payment.

edit: I know it’s not my place to say this but hope it all works in the best way possible between you and your artist!

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Thanks! With any hope it will! :stuck_out_tongue: And yes I should have clarified I will be doing a lot of the work too. I’m not just hiring people to do the work for me lol

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