Looking for two scripters who have knowledge with DataStores, inventory making, and general RPG elements for a RPG Post-Nuclear style game. They will each receive 18.75% of any profit made from the project. One time up front payment can be discussed as well (R$ or USD). Team currently has two builders and an artist. Please contact if interested!
Your post may have been more successful if you have mentioned:
More details about your game and why it will be successful/unique
Pictures of what you have already
Percentage is quite low
Most people want a nice upfront sum as well as percentage
I’d argue 18.75% is quite fair for being 1/5th of the team.
Thats lower than 1/5th of the revenue, doesnt really add up.
It’s less than a 2% differance. Labor isn’t the only cost when making a game.
The artist and I are sharing a 25% cut of the profit (Her and I are likely to be dating soon plus I’m paying her upfront quite a bit) and I’m splitting up the remaining 75% evenly among the remaining 4 developers.
I’m doing some of the building and programming myself, plus doing a lot of the art with her, and writing the actual lore, etc. It’s a 6 person team in total.
Oh I guess it’s okay then, my fault for not counting correctly, I was assuming a 5 man team, but if you are also doing a great deal of the work then I think it’s a good payment.
edit: I know it’s not my place to say this but hope it all works in the best way possible between you and your artist!
Thanks! With any hope it will! And yes I should have clarified I will be doing a lot of the work too. I’m not just hiring people to do the work for me lol
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