Hello I am looking for a fully custom city preferably made based off the old-republic style of building, so like futuristic but without lots of neon. This city will be used for a new group I am working on. I am very flexible on payment and will most definitely accept any offer given for the build.
The game MUST be owned by you and you must be willing to sign a contract officially transferring all ownership rights over to me.
P.S Sorry if the format is off, I don’t have much time to write this up.
Please reply below, OR contact me at Swift#3113 (Let me know if you sent a FR with your username)
Approximate style of building i’m in need for, although slight differences in era won’t be to big of a deal.
It’s usually easier to find someone to make it from scratch, since people who build premade assets make things that are more general, therefore a higher chance for a purchase.
I think the best way to go about this is to make a 'Looking For Builder" post, or search around in #collaboration:portfolios
what…? no person under the age of 18 are legally allowed to sign legally binding contracts, its more of a conversation piece rather than anything you can enforce.