Looking on how do I add hair from the local roblox skin on my customize character

Hi I was looking on how do I add hair from the local roblox skin on my customize character kinda like rogue lineage. https://gyazo.com/3fdb7edde3a02912898208a8b2cf81d2

result that I want : https://gyazo.com/5da8915fa15828392c0d539b7adf0b97
( this was my roblox avatar hair)

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Have a script that when a player joins, you check if they have a hair, if not add it, or if they do, change the asset id of their hair to yours.

I understand but it not exacly what I wanted.

Yeah, I just noticed. Try inserting a accessory and put your hair’s asset id on it, then position it.

sorry for late reply but I dont want everyone having my hair but they roblox avatar hair.

Are you making something that gives everyone someones hair when like a button is pressed?

like when they spawned theyre gonna have they roblox hair like as usual but now with the base character that I added in StarterCharacter

Oh ok I understand now, you have a special character and you want to have the players existing hair to get on your special character?

Does your starter character already have hair built in? Or do you have to add it?

there is no hair on my special character so I have to add it. ( also thx for trying to help me )

Insert a accesory into your starter character (not with a script) position it, and then add a script that will change the starter characters accesories asset id to the hair they have on their character.

idk how to get the local player hair asset ID

You could try this, it looks through the accessories and checks if it has a HairAttachment

for i, accessory in pairs(character:GetChildren()) do
  if accessory:IsA("Accessory") then
    if accessory.Handle:FindFirstChild("HairAttachment") do
        print(accessory.Name) -- Change this so it changes the hair in your startercharacter