Looking to hire a scripter!

Looking to hire developers | KAA.

About Us

Greetings! We are KAA, an airway community that strives to establish a strong and healthy environment for our travelers. We’re still under development so we’re currently looking for developers who are willing to join our group and help us within the construction of the game!

The Team

@Ophqlies - Graphic Designer
@Anurag_UdayS - Scripter
@Briixification - Builder
[Availible spot]- Builder
@hopexul - Clothing designer
[Availible spot] - Scripter

From the development side, we have started with the builds. No progress with scripting has been made.

About The Job

We’re seeking for a builder that meets our requirements, which include activity, professionalism, the ability to understand simple words, and a talent for building! We value solid communication skills and make sure that everyone on the team understands each other and maintains a positive working connection.

Example of how we want the airport

Our game has time before being done, but as the airport is huge it tends to take much longer.


We plan on paying with percentage and in small installments whenever possible. I understand many might decline due to percentages but we never got a budget for this project and everything is being built with hard work.

Contact Us

Use the given format when contacting us -

Roblox User -
Job - (scripter/ builder/ UI designer/ clothing designer)
Portfolio - (insert examples or work or a portfolio)

DM Luna!#4983 if you are interested in the offer.
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thank you for reading!

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