I’ve recentally made a building and made a fence and railing along the road, however this alone isn’t enough for me and the building stands out because it was made with higher detail. What are some things I can add to make it look more cohesive whilst still keeping the dreary look it has now. Thanks.
My first though is dead trees. I also thought of tumbleweeds, but that might not fit. For the parking lot, or I assume that’s what it is, there could be a broken-down car with some tires and/or an oil spill. The fence around the parking area could be broken in various places, it looks repetitive currently.
I recommend looking up similar builds online (Google, Pinterest, Twitter). It’s helped me whenever I can’t think of things for my environments. To use the fence idea as an example, here’s an image I found by searching “lowpoly broken fence” on Google:
After about 30mins to an hour of searching on various sites (yes I’m picky), I get something like this:
These are the inspirations for a world/level I’m currently making. I used PureRef to compile images I find.
Thanks! I’ll certainly be adding these and checking out the site!