Looking to make a game with developers currently inexperienced!

About Us


Developing at first is daunting. Many of us want to improve our skills and get hired for big projects, yet don’t have a large enough portfolio. That’s where this idea comes in: I am looking to start a developing team full of inexperienced developers to better our skills! Hopefully, this can give inexperienced developers some developing experience and learn what they can and can’t do.

The Team
Builder(s) -
Scripter(s) -
UI/GFX(s) -
Modeller(s) -
Any Other Job (feel free to comment if one of the jobs are not mentioned; I’ll add it!)

About The Job

Most people hiring look for experience in their developers. By grouping together developers lacking the skills to make a game, we can all learn the necessary traits of a developer and carve the way to success. This project is simply just for fun. Since every position, from building to ideation to support staff is available, if you want to help, contact me (details below).


Since this project is to learn, not monetise, unless the game makes revenue, you won’t be paid. This project is to simply give developers lacking experience some experience for future projects they may encounter. You are volunteering your time.

Contact Us

The first step is to contact me. Please contact us by either commenting, sending me a pm or using the links below:


Join the Learn to Develop! Discord Server!

Check out the Learn to Develop! community on Discord - hang out with 1 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.

You can also contact me with my tag: Levi#5996

I hope you apply, and thanks for reading. :slight_smile:


Hello there,
I found this as a great Idea as I want to create a game but I only just started and not got that much experience, I only know the basics of scripting.
I have joined the discord.


Hello! I am very interested in this experience. I started building back in December, but don’t have much experience. Please add me back when you can! My Discord user is tyle#8917.


Thank you everyone - already 23 members, amazing! This will still be open for recruitment for 14 days. If you are aspiring to be the next 1B+ visits developer, please join!

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Well I can do it!!

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What’s your discord? We can talk there.

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I’m in
except I don’t have discord can we do DM’s in devforums?

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Of course! Send me a DM and we can talk! :slight_smile:

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This sounds like a fabulous idea! I think what your doing is awesome and educational to us developers who are learning on the way! I’m in, haha.

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I love this idea! As a scripter, I’m fairly inexperienced, so getting the chance to work with other people who are just like me might just make me a better developer and get a chance to meet other people!

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This sounds really interesting. Is there like a portfolio I have to show you or something to join?

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No portfolio is required, but we can discuss this on discord. If you give me your tag I can add you.

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Such a great idea! I think that’s a wonderful opportunity for newer developers.

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Ok, I am (ThatNeonMe1144#4666)

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Added! I am Levi#5996!

30 charssssssss

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I have joined . It is great to increase our skills. Discord username Firebird1cool #3995.
I have given request to join group please accept it.


I can do it!

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I added you! My username is Levi#5996 btw.

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I will do this!

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Added you! Thanks! :slight_smile:

30 charsss

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