LookVector help

Hello. I am DomTheMomRBLX. I am currently working on a countdown for my game, but I didnt want to make a billboard gui since they get smaller when you get closer. However, I thought I could do it with a part + surfaceUI. So I did! And I rendered the countdown to constantly look at the player camera’s look vector. And, It kinda does… It looks at the camera’s look vector however it always faces down. How can I make it so it also always looks at the players camera as well? Here is a vid of what is happening:

A better way is to use a BillboardGui and set the UDim2 properly. Using the Scale property (X, 0, Y, 0) will give you a constant size in studs, or the Offset property (0, X, 0, Y) to give it a constant size on your screen. There are apparently other properties now to control this better (Such as DistanceUpperLimit) which I have no experience with.
Also, you can make a GUI and then use the camera functions (such as WorldToViewportPoint) to set the position on your screen. This will allow you to click it properly from a distance.

Or, to fix your current code, you would probably want to use the two-argument CFrame contstructor
CFrame.new(CurrentPos, FaceTowardsPos)
to orient it correctly.

its easier to change the size of the Billboard, and also I need it to be a part since Im gonna have a cool shrink effect when it plays using tweens