I have no idea how to explain it show ill just show a video and code
Nevermind, I split the two loops and now it seems to work as intended
I lied, turns out its still acting the same way
why not just put the while loops out the function and rather have while true do
have while lightswitch.Toggled.Value == true do
Try adding a debounce to it.
local debounce
if debounce then
debounce = true
-- Your code...
-- ...
-- At the end set debounce as false or nil
debounce = false
it has been a while since I’ve posted this, but this is an old project I’ve stopped working on but I have since figured how to stop something from happening in this and any future game I’ll work on and I’m hoping this post will help other in the future. here is some example code
local death -- this defines the function as nil
death = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Died:Connect(function() -- this will fire the function but also redfines it so it makes it easier for us to disconnect the function
death:Disconnect() -- disconnects the function so that it won't fire more than once
essentially you just have to make sure you disconnect the event once it fires to prevent it from firing multiple times
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