Loop cut problem in blender

Hey there, i’ve been trying to loop cut something i’m making, but it’s only making a new line on one face of the mesh.

Looking like this:

What it’s expected to look like (all around):

How do I fix this? Any info or solution would be appreciated, thank you.

I’ve had this happen to me a lot as well. I think it’s because you used a cylinder.

A quick ‘fix’ would be to add a loop cut to each segment of the mesh. After you place the loop cut with left-click, right-click to center it.

Another method to cut is to use the knife tool. Press K in edit mode to use the knife tool. Hold down CTRL to center the cut.

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Blender can not identify a loop, you create a loop cut in between two loops

2 ways to fix this

Fix via turning that option on while using a knife, cut through the center of the mesh while while pressing ctrl, this will cut through the center of the mesh and effectively create a loop


Second method

Clean topology by creating loops, connect these 2 vertices to make a loop, repeat for the bottom face

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