Looped FlipBook particles disappear for a second when restarting

  1. I am working on making “fake” 2D enemies using a transparent block and flip book particles

  2. The issue is that when my flipbook goes to loop back to the first frame, it disappears for a second. Just the particle, the actual block is still there. This doesn’t happen when I am watching it in edit mode, but once I go to test play the game, or just run the server you see it. Does anyone have an idea on how I can adjust it to get rid of that 1 sec. of invisibility?

  3. Ive dablled witht he settings, ive read some other posts about flip books on here, and the actual dev. documentation on flips books but haven’t seen anything to address this issue.

I am providing a video of the issue and a screen grab of the particles settings.

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