Looping a Script

Yes I copied the text and pasted it inside of the script.

Try changing the == back to the >

I made a replica of the information folder, and its working 100% fine for me.

Did it still didnā€™t work. I changed the amount of the XP to 101 because my Maximum XP Value is 100 and I checked my level and it did not increase nor did my Maximum XP increase and my XP didnā€™t go to 0.

Did you make the folder create with a script inside of ServerScriptService?

This my script for creation and it is inside of a ServerScript inside of ServerScriptService;

local Players = game.Players
local Player = Players.LocalPlayer

    local InformationFolder = Instance.new("Folder")
    InformationFolder.Parent = Player
    InformationFolder.Name = "Information"

    local Element = Instance.new("StringValue")
	Element.Parent = InformationFolder
    Element.Name = "Element"

    local Level = Instance.new("NumberValue")
	Level.Parent = InformationFolder
    Level.Name = "Level"
    Level.Value = 0

	local XP = Instance.new("NumberValue")
    XP.Parent = InformationFolder
    XP.Name = "XP"

	local MaximumXP = Instance.new("NumberValue")
	MaximumXP.Parent = XP
	MaximumXP.Name = "MaximumXP"
    MaximumXP.Value = 100

	local Currency = Instance.new("NumberValue")
    Currency.Parent = InformationFolder
	Currency.Name = "Currency"
	Currency.Value = 100

only did the important stuff, and copied the script straight off of devforum

Weird Iā€™m confused why it does not work.

Also, i just copied your script straight off devforum and it worked for me.

Try using WaitForChild on the information

is how your XP changed under a localscript, or is it a script?

Itā€™s inside of a server script.

Yeah im not sure exactly why this wouldnt be working, but its on your end.

Thereā€™s no errors showing in output so I donā€™t know why. Can you show me your explorer?


Just an observation, I am not criticizing, I just want to help.
Information.XP and Player.Information.XP.MaximumXP both change so both should be observed, or just keep the while loop. You also forgot that when Player.Information.Level.Value == 100 then Player.Information.XP.MaximumXP.Value = 0.

It would help a lot if OP would tell us what his script should do, because from the code alone we canā€™t figure that out.

I already explained but what I want the script to do is automatically increase the level value by one if the XP value equals the Maximum XP value. And after leveling up the Maximum XP value would be increased by a random number and the XP value would go to zero and also I want this script to stay active forever.

What script is inside of info and leveller?

Theres no script inside either of them

If you mean what the code is, the info script is the script you posted, and the leveller one is the script I posted

im having the same issue, hope someone finds a fix soonšŸ™