Loq quality text and image labels

Hey, im making a game but when im in studio it looks like this

and when im actually playing the game itself

it looks all ugly like that does anyone know how or where I can fix this?


What exactly is the issue with the in-game bar? Generally for UI you need to adjust it to fit the resolution for the devices you wish the game to be available on.

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Can you be more specific with adjust to the resolution of a device because im using a scale pluging that converts size to scale now my problem is that the quality is great in studio but terrible in roblox self and its all the textlabels I have

I just took this 1 as a example

The scale plugins aren’t very reliable, they usually consist of inserting UITextSizeConstraints and such and enabling some properties.

I need to know what resolution(s) you want to adjust to, because some may require script (like phones/tablets) and some can be done with properties. (PC/laptop).
Also is it just textlabels or is it also the frames?

well ill added a new textlabel and that seemed fine but yeah its only the text, frames are looking great

and is inserting a script how would that go?

sorry I noticed this error occurs when using a Canvas group inside of a screen gui I started using them bc fading would be easier. is there any way to make them so everythign inside of them becomes normal quality?

I found that this an issue where is not a great solution for yet and it was flagged 3 months ago

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