Los Angeles, County | Version 3

:palm_tree: Version 3, the biggest update to Los Angeles County

It’s everything we’ve been waiting for: Version 3 is finally available, after over 6 months in development. This upgrade will dramatically transform the game! New map, new systems, new cars, and more fun!

Play game

:stars: New Features!

Expanded Map

The map has expanded drastically, the new map includes, New Houses, Beach, National Parks and Paths, Better Highways, New spawn building, etc.

Improved Anti Cheats

As of V3 you are required to have your account above 60 days, we have also improved our client and server sided anti cheats.

Brand new Robbery systems

  • Ever got tired of the old robbery systems? What fun is it in just clicking a bunch of money to start a robbery? Well ever thought if buying a C4 and blowing up a bank vault, now thats cool, all robbery systems have been updated, plus new cash register robbery’s!

New User Interface

  • Every single GUI in game has been modified and made better! Including the new radio, Main Menu, Car spawning ui, etc! Now thats visually appealing.

  • Fixed Unresponsive GUI’s

:policeman: :man_firefighter: Department Features!

Los Angeles Fire Department | LAFD

  • Fire hydrants will be placed all around the map, when a fire occurs, a fire fighter can connect the hose to the fire hydrant and start extinguishing the fire, they can also connect the fire hydrant to the apparatus and take two connections from the apparatus.

  • Brand new station, and interiors.

Los Angeles Police Department | LAPD

  • Brand new cuffing system

  • Brand new weapons and tasers.

  • Brand new station

  • Brand new vehicles.

  • New ELS vehicles.

  • LAPD has had a lot of improvements in V3, including new station and many system fixes, a radio with a panic button, brand new tasers, and fixed lockers, Training stations inside the station, group ranked doors etc!

Los Angeles Sheriff Department | LASD

  • Brand new cuffing system.

  • Brand new weapons and tasers.

  • LASD station add on’s.

  • Brand new vehicles.

  • New ELS vehicles.

Detectives | D

  • New vehicles.

  • New room in station.

  • Brand new vehicles.

  • New ELS vehicles.

Tow Services | TOW

  • New vehicles.

  • New Missions.


  • New vehicles.

  • New Systems.

  • New Tools.

  • New ELS vehicles.

Californian Highway Patrol | CHP

  • New vehicles.

  • New Station near the highway.

  • New Tools.

  • New ELS vehicles.

  • Improved tools and systems

:oncoming_automobile: New Vehicles!

Californian Highway Patrol | CHP

  • 2020 CHP | Polar Tahoe PPV

  • 2020 CHP | Unmarked Charger AWD

  • 2020 CHP | Polar Charger AWD

  • 2020 CHP | Marked Charger AWD

  • 2020 CHP | Marked FPIU

  • 2020 CHP | Polar FPIU

  • 2020 CHP | Marked Tahoe PPV

  • 2018 CHP | MarkedFPIU

  • 2018 CHP | Unmarked FPIU

  • 2013 CHP | Marled FPIU

  • 2013 CHP | Polar FPIU

  • 1998 CHP | Marked CVPI

  • 1998 CHP | Polar Chrome CVPI

  • 1998 CHP | Slicktop CVPI

Los Angeles Police Department | LAPD

  • LAPD Bearcat

  • LAPD 2006 Marked Tahoe

  • LAPD 2016 Unmarked FPIU

  • LAPD 2016 Marked FPIU

  • LAPD 2018 Unmarked Charger

  • LAPD 2018 Unmarked FPIS

  • LAPD 2018 Marked FPIS

  • LAPD Metro Denali

  • LAPD 2011 Marked CVPI

  • LAPD 2011 Unmarked CVPI

  • LAPD 2009 Marked Charger

  • LAPD Slicktop Charger

  • LAPD 2009 Unmarked Charger

Los Angeles Sheriff Department | LASD

  • LASD 2009 Ford Crown Victoria

  • LASD 2014 Dodge Charger PPV

  • LASD 2013 Ford Police Interceptor Utility

  • LASD 2016 Ford Police Interceptor Utility

  • LASD 2018 Ford Police Interceptor Sedan

  • LASD 2014 Tahoe PPV


  • STAFF | 13 FPIS Slicktop

  • STAFF | Chevrolet Camaro SS 2017

  • STAFF | 2020 FPIU Slicktop

  • STAFF | 18 FPIU Hardtop

  • STAFF | 2021 F150 Hardtop

  • STAFF | 2011 CVPI Hardtop

  • STAFF |2014 Charger Hardtop

  • STAFF | 2013 FPIU Slicktop

:houses: Map & More

New Buildings Added

  • West Bank

  • New car dealership (Spawn 2)

  • Farms

  • Suburbs

  • New houses

  • New LAPD station

  • Revamped LASD station

  • New CHP station

  • New National Parks

  • Soccer Field (Soccer System)

  • New KFC (TFC)

  • New Chick-fil-a

  • New McDonalds

New Places Created

  • Ever wanted to relax on the shores having a good time? Well go to the beach! Cool waters, hot dog stands, coast guard stands and much more!

  • Farms and Silos, will be in the suburbs, and who knows? Maybe there will be a future job as a farmer?

:magic_wand: :mag: Version 3 And More Updates?

Los Angeles County’s Version 3 is the biggest change, thus there won’t be a Version 4. A new game may be released, but it will happen in the future. The game will receive some minor updates, but nothing major. We all put a lot of effort into this update, thus taking us six months to complete. We appreciate your patience, waiting for the launch.

Please share your thoughts on this update in our chat server and report any bugs in the channel designated for bug reports. Check out the game to take advantage of this fantastic update.

:construction_worker_man: Development Team

Lead Developer: uhmjacko

Senior Developer: Avia_player

Senior Programmer: MrSourV

Builder: CanYou8Muffins

Vehicle/ELS Desginer: Tim_9193

:scroll: Written by MrSourV