Losing connection every time a large TerrainRegion is pasted, as well as a lot of instances at once

Every time we try to port over terrain from our terrain development place to our production place, we lose connection to TeamCreate and the changes are lost.

This is workflow breaking, and extremely problematic as you may imagine.

We’re working with terrain sized over 10k by 10k studs, which I understand is a lot of terrain. However, the fact that we cannot port it at all makes this a very big problem for us.

Every time we try to save the TerrainRegion, we eventually lose connection. If we copy it over to another studio instance, we lose connection on that studio instance. Doesn’t seem like there is anything we can do on our end. We’ve tried splitting the terrain in parts and even that is resulting in lost connection.

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Hi, thanks for the report!

When you were trying to copy the terrain by splitting the terrain what size were you using?

If you limit the individual terrain region copy size to 500x500x500 or smaller does it then copy correctly?


I was using around 5000x500x5000, possibly larger though…

Importing used to work fine before, I’m unsure if anything changed or if we reached a limit in terms of size / memory.
I was able to import the terrain by disabling team create and publishing with team create off since the post was made, so the workflow works again, just without team create.

It seems to work fine if I retrieve terrain that is smaller in size, but I’m unsure how much of it is actually terrain and not just empty cells truth be told.

Example of what I was doing:

workspace.Terrain:CopyRegion(Region3int16.new(Vector3int16.new(5000, 0,  5500), Vector3int16.new(5500, 512, 10000))).Parent = workspace

Perhaps it’s just too much terrain for team create to handle at the moment? Not sure what the limitations are, and it is definitely weird that it worked before given the circumstances.