Losing frames after opening any script

Whenever I open a script in any studio session the frames go from around 50 fps to around 3 fps. Making it impossible to navigate through a script or type at all. I will attach a video so you can see (this was done in an empty baseplate / empty script).

This happens in any studio session on one of my computers, but doesn’t happen at all on another. This started happening 2-3 days ago.

Steps: Open a Script in Roblox Studio (could even be an empty script in an empty baseplate game).
System Specs: Windows 10 Home, Intel i7, 16GB RAM


I’m not entirely sure why you’re getting frame drops although I would definitely recommend re-installing ROBLOX Studio on that computer and try it again. There may of been an initial problem with the first install.

What plugins are you using? That could be the issue.

Sorry, I’m a little confused, your video does not appear to have the script editor open in it. Let me just be sure I understand the problem:

When you open the script editor, it a framerate drop in both the 3D view and the editor. I assume you have the editor undocked into another window or another panel in the main Studio window to see the 3D view at the same time, could you show me what your full Studio setup is with the editor open?

What GPU do you use on the computer which has this problem?

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I had this problem before and it only ever showed it self when having one large script open or having tons of scripts open, I did a quick reinstall of Studio and it’s since then fixed the problem, haven’t had it happen again.

Happened to me before. If you have the free models tab open, it’ll freeze your scripts for some reason. Try closing it and see what happens.

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The window capture on my recording software doesn’t show the script for some reason. But they are in the same window (not undocked). The framerate drops in both the script and the 3D view (worse with the script open).

Here is my Studio setup:

And the GPU is a Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080.

I discovered this is being caused by the Asset manager and Toolbox. In the video below, when I have both of them open at once I get 47 fps. After closing either, I get 60 fps. Later in the video, you can see the script editor lags when the Asset manager is open. Once I close it, there is no more delay / lag. I’m guessing this is only happening to a few since the new Asset manager is still a beta feature.


Yea seems to be that and the Asset manager.

Very interesting. Could you try something for me?

If you undock the 3D view:

  • Does the FPS drop in the 3D view decrease
  • Does the editor function without lag?

If you undock the script tab:

  • Does the FPS drop in the 3D view decrease
  • Does the editor function without lag?

Does disabling V-Sync in the NVidia control panel resolve the issue?

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Undocking the 3D view:

  • FPS in 3D view stays the same.
    -The editor functions without lag

Undocking the script tab:

  • FPS drop in the 3D view decreases
    -The editor functions without lag

Disabling V-sync does not change anything. However disabling G-sync does fix the problem. Which makes sense since I got a new monitor and enabled G-sync for the first time 2-3 days ago.

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Thank you. I will report this bug internally as a compatibility issue with G-Sync.

For the time being, Studio should function as desired with G-Sync disabled as a workaround,


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