Losing textures while exporting inside ROBLOX Studio

The whole time I was trying and I thought that I was doing smt wrong, but it turns out it’s a bug. Please just let us know when it’s going to be fixed.


Also been experiencing this problem. I’ve tried exporting the character and the room (the model) and textures from the model have been missing.


I can also confirm this is happening to me

Hello, thanks for reporting. I can’t seem to repro this, can you (anyone) please send the place file? Thanks.

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I’ve personally found it occurs most often when exporting character models w/ numerous textures. I was able to reproduce it in an empty baseplate with my own avatar imported into Studio since it usually has around 4-5 extra textures that get exported, but with this bug, I only see one.

When imported into Blender, the accessories retain UV mapping so re-adding textures manually isn’t hard; however some claim that downloading these textures from their ID’s has become disabled which causes additional troubles.

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I’m curious, do you happen to have SurfaceAppearance on the models?

Nope. I don’t have it enabled at all. All I do is use a character importer plugin and go straight to ‘Export Selection’. Nothing but my avatar in the file.

Hey all, we have just flipped a flag that should fix this problem. Please, let me know if the problem persists after restarting studio.


Just tested and it works for me. Greatly appreciate the quick fix and I’m sure many other artists will agree! :clap:


Life saver, Thank you. Problem is now solved.

Textures export properly now, but I did run into another bug.

When you export a part or model that is using Roblox’s materials (like grass, brick, etc), it exports properly but loses any color that it previously had.

The picture in the middle is taken from Blender 2.92.

unknown (1)
unknown (3)


What I experience is the when I export a large textured scene some textures get mixed matched. Untextured parts gets textured randomly. Also, decals doesn’t get exported too. There must be an issue in .MTL now while exporting.

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I am having the same issue too. I am not able to export anything into blender because it makes it white.

It finally works again! im so happy

The issue with the characters losing textures is fixed 100%, however there’s another issue that’s presenting itself with the .obj exporter.

As @Astrollect experienced, any part with a Roblox texture is exported seemingly without color and instead now with the Roblox material’s diffuse texture, though this isn’t completely the case.

To fix this in Blender specifically, disconnect the image texture input attached to the Principled BSDF shader. Unlike the character issue from before, it retains color, so this can be dealt with as usual. (Since Roblox textures didn’t export previously, most people would then use a node by Maplestick to re-texture models for rendering within Blender)

Colored boat below has had said texture node disconnected - right model is straight out of Studio and now a mix of Roblox textures and a new texture I’ve inserted on the right. Seems to be different types of studs.

Roblox Materials Exported

Studio View

The issue also comes up when anything with a decal texture is exported. It retains color data, however is now exported without the appropriate decals but instead the stud texture.

Roblox Decal Exported

Studio View


Of course it’s not impossible to manually go in and find decal textures to fix for small models like this and texture them oneself, but when artists need to work in external software with large scenes, this is a massive pain and adds unnecessary amounts of time to fixing an issue that hasn’t occurred up until now.

I’m much more experienced in Blender than I am in Studio, but I’m hoping this helps and again, is fixed soon.

More examples of this from Twitter:
Ex 1
Ex 2


I can repro this, here’s an example I am facing.

Studio View

Export View

It would be extremely helpful if a bug report was created on this.

Hi there Synthrophy, try removing the texture from the model and it will show its true color.

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Still patiently waiting for proper FBX exporting instead of outdated obj exporting technology lol

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This issue should now be resolved! Please let us know if you encounter further issues.


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