Lost built-in texture: rbxasset://textures/smoke.png

Some of my old games refer to a built-in smoke texture that Roblox used prior to introducing their new particle system around 2015. At some point within the last year or two, this texture was removed and no legacy remap was provided for it.

Although using any textures inside of the rbxasset:// directory isn’t a great practice, I think the absense of this texture should be covered for anyone who was using it. Otherwise no texture is loaded, and no error seems to be provided regarding its absence.

Perhaps redirecting it to rbxasset://textures/particles/smoke_main.dds instead would suffice?
Thank you!


Similar case with rbxasset://textures/fire_0.png
This should redirect to rbxasset://textures/particles/fire_main.dds


Im looking for it too, does anyone maybe have a backup?

edit: I might have found it in my temp folder, 2 of them actually
one is more dense and one is less