Lots of things going berzerk after Reverting to older Version of a Team Create

I summed it up in a discord message the day it happened. I dont want to try it again cause simply downloading the place to try and isolate it from my active project would leave a trash storm i dont wanna deal with.
This is my version of events: After realizing i needed a script from an older version of the project, I closed Studio, reverted the place to a version from the night before, and re-opened the place. My grass colors went wild as described below.

*We use a materialvariant on most of our grass, and our default grass material has been replaced with that same material (To be clear- we did this, its not related to/ caused by the bug). Related?
The new color of my grass might have been present on my grass months ago for less than a few minutes, otherwise i feel its just random, and it wouldnt make sense anyways cause the terrain that was present when this color couldve been present wasnt in existence at that time.

Another wacky thing that happened pertains to these car models which have an identical structure :

I had modified this car chassis to hide its proximityPrompts


In the new version, it seems like all the scripts were somehow approximated together?? back into the default behaviour which would parent the gui to the vehicle or some attachment.
There were at least 2 non-modified versions of the chassis sprinkled throughout the map. My personal hypothesis is: all the models being set up the same way with identical scripts caused something @ roblox to pick a random one to rewrite the others with to save time.

This is very scary cause i dont know what else might have broken.

mac os 13.5.1

Addition: This would keep happening no matter what version i reverted to, even going back to the version i started from. Basically if i mess up again i cant revert without dealing with this again


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you;

Thanks for reporting @The_Emblaze

First, do address your original need: if you right click on a script you can view it’s version history so there’s no need to open a pervious version of a place to get to an old script

I’d still like to understand your reported issue better though. Could you clarify what you mean by “I dont want to try it again cause simply downloading the place to try and isolate it from my active project would leave a trash storm i dont wanna deal with.”?

Opening a previous version of a place should not affect the active version of your place. It simply opens a copy that’s detached from the original place/experience.

We’ll look into the grass and model issue you reported but it will be card hard to identify a cause unless we manage to reproduce it ourselves.

I wasnt sure if downloading a copy or reverting caused the issue, cause i was zoomed in on something and i did both almost at the same time.
Im using an older download where this didnt happen, trying to reproduce this and i havent been able to. I wouldnt want to try again on the real place because i dont know what else it could affect if it happens again

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