Low-poly car feedback, and a question

Hey fellow Robloxians! Over the past several weeks, I’ve been making many low-poly cars, and tried to make them meet my own expectations. Constructive feedback is appreciated.

Also a side question: Is it possible to commission work for other forms of work (e.g. builds for scripts)? Would love to hear from those who are experienced with this, I’m interested in potentially creating meshes in exchange for some car chassis scripts. Scripting is not my strongest suit.

Thanks for stopping by!


It is very detailed. Just bare in mind that “Low-poly” is not a style of creation. Despite this, the vehicle looks professionally made.

Keep up the great work!

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Hello there, this car looks really amazing.
I’m speechless honestly, the level of details, everything is just awesome.

Concerning your question, commissioning work for other forms of work, i think it’s actually possible if both parts agree on what they want as a trade maybe ? I never tried to do such a thing, but it sounds like a great idea honestly.

Other than that, keep up the great work ! :slight_smile:


You did a stellar job of capturing the essence of the vehicle while keeping your tri-count in check! Now you just gotta add wheels and small details like licence plates to that sucker. Awesome stuff!

If you’re looking to do trades you may have a hard time finding someone willing to do that, as it’d be a very specific market. Both parties would be needing a specific asset that would satisfy both parties in what is considered an even trade. It’d be interesting to see it be done though, good luck!


Of course! Just about every asset in games (not limited to Roblox) are low-poly for performance optimization, I just wanted to see what I could accomplish with less triangles, 100% agree with you. :slight_smile:

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It’s actually okay to have this level of detail, even on a low-poly car. That’s because “low-poly” refers to tri count, and not to a building style.

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