Low-poly Cinema


I am extremely new to building, and feel that something is off on this little cinema I’m making. Any feedback or criticism?


I love it, the size is perfect, and I love how you made the brick wall using a texture. Also, what font did you use for the text?

Thanks! For the text, I used the ‘ThreeDText’ plugin and ‘Lapus Pro Bold’ font.

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Some suggestions


Better size/volume consistencies would make the build pop more. Try making things as wide as the white and red facades. This goes for the brick texture sizes too, maybe scale them up a bit?
Color and reflections could also be improved; the stylized nature of low poly tends to be flat, soft colors with a light palette (example below). The dark red in your build might look nicer if it’s in closer contrast to the lighter red brick.

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This is great advice- thank you! I’ll definitely put it to use and work with it when doing future low-poly builds. Appreciate it. :))