Low-Poly Creations

I made some low poly props and building. I thought it would be nice to know your thoughts on them. :slightly_smiling_face:

Pirate Cannon

Simulator Shop



I love your style!
I’m not an art designer, but I feel like the cannon’s mounting position is too high, and it looks a little unstable.
It might look better without the wooden support on the cannon, or by making the wooden cart wider.

Now that you mentioned it… it actually does look a bit unstable. Thank you for your feedback.

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It looks pretty alright, I do not see an issue with the build style.
However, I do love the design. You have used great colors.

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There are some beautiful model you accomplish the theme however. If you’re looking for ideas, then I really think the shop it’d be good to add objects to the building itself, such as a different color scheme for the part connected to the roof or possibly change the color of the (dollar sign) on the top of the build and possibly a door level consider throwing another color to the door - frame around infrequently.

The colors you added really blend in with the entire building like the upper roof part and the door pull I would recommend messing around with the shrines as they look a little large on the door piece. The cannon looks good consider adding more of a circle shape for the wheels as they look a little flat and unappealing.

I think the vibrant colors and unique aspect looks good. Overall you have some interested model hope to see more.

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