I have a question about ‘realistic’ grass on ROBLOX. It is hard to create grass that does not look blocky or fake using simple bricks with a simple texture. I also don’t want to have to go to Blender and make a whole mesh either. Is there a way I could use a workaround?
A particle system of grass decals would be your best bet. If you want the grass to look believable you’ll need a large quantity of them, and using meshes for that can be very resource intensive.
You will probably need to use blender or something along those lines to create a grass object(s) in order to achieve that low-poly look while not using particles
It seems finicky though, my game is designed to be a adventure game, maybe creatures roaming around rather than random encounters in grass (like Pokemon) would be easier. I’ll look into it.
Over a small area using particles seems to work well, however over large regions the grass is spread out and does not fill the area well. How could I fix this?
I have found a way using transparent bricks that fits in with the low-poly style, however there is a rendering issue. See the two images:
The grass appears and disappears depending on the camera angle.