Low Poly Lighting

Hey, so for the past months, I have been trying to master the low poly style. Especially like this,

So, could you tell me the precise lighting tab settings and the lighting effects needed to do that, like that style and the game design.
I have tried a community tutorial, but that does not seem to math my genre. Help is appreciated.


There aren’t exact settings for a low poly style. You need to play yourself with them. Even if it is low poly, you can go for a spooky, fashion, or "gummy’ style, it all depends on your discression.

For a low poly lighting i would suggest going with what you think fits the environment the best. It is different in every place. However there are a few things you can add to give your builds a more low poly -ish vibe!

  1. Add a Color Correction with a saturation of / around 0.2, you can play around with the Tint Color however in most cases it isnt necessary.

  2. Play around with the ColorShift_Bottom & ColorShift_Top, an example of this style: https://gyazo.com/eb6d0658e2d3fbb09bee81f7e3fdd646

  3. Make sure you have a fitting skybox, this one is pretty obvious, in some cases you dont even have to adjust the colors you can just choose a fitting skybox.

After all it is all up to the developer what they want to do with their lighting but these 3 tips will definitely help you out!

Good luck with your project!


Color correction is definitely the most essential component in low poly lighting, you need to turn all of the options to 0.1 or 0.2 depending on which one you like better.

Blur can be good too, but lately i’ve seen many people not liking the mix of blur with the low poly style, but you can still try and see for yourself whether you like it or not.

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Thanks, a lot, I think I got the solution, I made the color correction too low or too high, and never used a good skybox.

This is a little too bright and maybe the sky could be more cartoonish or low poly as well? :thinking: