Low-Poly Lighting

Hi Developers,

What you are about to see is a low-poly designed house that will be in a low-poly terrain which will fit as a neighborhood game.

Does anyone know any good light setting that can fit the low-poly style in the picture? Take Bloxton Hotels for example, I’d kind of like a lighting theme as them.



I would recommend playing around with (outdoor)ambient and brightness. You could also add blur, sun rays and color correction if you would like to do so.

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Played around with it and here is how it turned out.

It’s honestly… not bad at all! It almost fits the low-poly theme, but I will have to keep playing around with it a little more. I will also see what other suggestions people have.


I would recommend going for a more ‘orangey’ color.

I recommend NoirSplash’s Realistic Lighting Guide. Its so far my favorite and I used to help me with my lighting. Hope this helps. Also I agree with #AmusingDev I would give it more of an orange tint.


I would honestly play around with the the lighting’s technology, I recommend you usr Compatibility Lighting Technology for this kind of build, also try adding BlurEffect and set it to 2 or 1, and ColorCorrection, just play with the saturation and etc. Then the game should look good! :happy2:

And also, try adding SunRayEffect too.