Low poly map designs

Made some low poly maps for @RBLX_Dan , would love some input and design ideas for different maps!


Great maps!

However, I feel that the first one needs a bit more “filling up.” Right now, the beach looks a little barren. Adding some more trees or maybe adding a shipwreck would spice up the scene. Try adding umbrellas and/or beach chairs (and etc.) That would look very cool. Adding a map boundary (such as mist … ? I know oceans just don’t have rocks surrounding an island) like in picture #2 and #3 can hide the void.

Good job on the maps though :+1:.


Thank you for the input, Honestly I do feel like it is empty aswell but I was thinking about how compact a real island would look, but at the same time I had to leave space due to the game type, its a Gun/sword Capture the flag game so it would be a bit weird to keep running into trees or rocks.


These look like some really great maps, my only concern is that they might be a bit small (I’m not sure what they were commissioned for but just basing on average map size).

Another thing I would change would be to fix the barrier stands (or shields, not sure what to call them) so that they look more natural. They currently stick up, and while it does seem better to put them all out of the ground, putting them in the ground so they are buried just so that all the sides touch actually looks much more natural.


For the tropical map, I would also move the water level up just a little bit or maybe even move the map down, as the current way that the sand has an edge doesn’t really look natural at all. Having it fade into the water really can change the quality a lot, as I often find it is the little things that make the difference.


Hope this helped, great work so far! I really like the style and I can’t wait to see the finished product, good luck!


The first one could include some hills, seems too flat. The snow on the hills needs to cover more of the top for the second one.
Also, the logs on the floor look too repetitive, remove some of them or change the location;
Pretty good builds.


Very nice maps indeed, I particularly like the third map.

One tiny detail I think would make a nice addition to the first map is some water foam on the shore, it doesn’t need to be much but I think it will give a more realistic feel to the beach map. Also the first map currently feels like it’s floating on the water, possibly adding it so the water is on the surface of the sand would give it a more desert island feeling - I’d do this by making the sand go downwards into the water.

Another feature you could add to your first map would be some rocks right on the edge of the island and some actually in the water, this image shows what I’m trying to describe:

If you are going to add this I would go against adding this all the way around the island as it definitely should not act as the map border, like TheCarbyneUniverse stated - adding a mist around the island would be a good way to execute the map border instead of having huge rocks like in your other maps.

Apart from that, great work on the maps so far!


Very nice what you’ve done with them but with the desert map it’s a bit too flat for an Island it’d be cool if it was wavy, to accomplish that you can try triangle terrain!


Nice map! Maybe work on adding more to the snow map.

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I am unsure what you mean by flat hills because they are low poly mountain terrain and thats how it is designed to look and the logs on that map are purposefully placed their to be used as a barrier since this is a gun/sword fight game and the logs are used as cover. :smile:

is what I meant

The barriers are placed in different places, you can’t do this with the logs?

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Maps look wonderful. But also look empty as well. It needs more set pieces or props to have it stand out more.


Maps seem to have so much potential, one thing I would like to point out is the possibility for you to incorporate more terraforming meaning the ground is not flat, wether by using terrain or parts this will add a great aspect to every map. Once again maybe it was requested that they need to be flat or that is just your style so this is just a suggestion.

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