Low Poly Medieval Game Idea

Hello, developers I have a Game Idea, I have been thinking of a Low Poly Medieval Game, where you can pick your Faction and make your own character and story, and quests, this game will be a game that has never been before, there will be online mode or single player, you will have choices in game like taking castles city’s, and armor mechanics I want help making an RPG game like this I need a team of developers professional ones we will all split the funding equally but I need professional developers who can code and use blender and are good with game design. This is a big project, that will need teamwork, if we all work together, it will be done in a year or less, I do not know the time It will take, but it will all be worth it.

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Payment will all be split with fund we will be getting, after the game makes Robux.

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