In my first showcase, I focused on making a small little forest with two small cottages. I am looking for feedback, so please give me feedback on this showcase.
I agree fully with what @sou_p said. Also there’s 2 houses and the style they have look pretty different so many change something with that, overall, pretty great!
The placement of the invisible wall at the spawn feels arbitrary. Maybe try putting it further back at a choke point of some sort (A turn, narrowing of the path, fallen tree, etc.).
People tend to clear vegetation from around their houses. Since the houses have lights, I assume they aren’t abandoned. It’s normal to have bushes up near the houses, but try clearing out some trees and adding a log pile or a shed or a stone path, etc.
You’ve placed the rocks, trees, and such all over in a very uniform way (somewhat evenly spaced). Try pushing things together into clumps and leaving more space between the clumps. For example, a couple of trees, a big rock, and some shrubs can look really good bunched together. Then give them some space so they can be perceived as being bunched up and not just a dense part of a uniform mass of vegetation. That said, don’t just spread clumps in a uniform way (bunch of similar clumps all evenly spaced won’t look all that much better). Keep some areas like what you have, make some areas where things are clumped with bigger spaces between clumps, and also have some areas that are somewhat empty with a tree here and there (or grasses/flowers, a little pond, etc.). Anyway, a little bit of variety in the spacing can make it look more natural (even when it’s a low-poly style build).
Variety in size can also help. The bushes and rocks and a lot of the trees appear to have really similar volumes. Besides the houses, find areas that you’d like a visitor to focus on and add finer (usually smaller) details to that spot. For example, maybe there is a mailbox in front of a house that has some small flowers and blades of grass in a bed of small rocks and a bit of ivy with a ladybug. Maybe that isn’t the vibe you are going for, but the point is that it’s an area of focus that uses some finer details that probably wouldn’t work all that well scattered individually around the map in random places.
I like the style of your houses and trees and such. Everything goes together really nicely. I thought the music was a nice surprise. Certainly wasn’t expecting that in a first showcase.
Keep up the good work!
Loving the scenery of this beautiful low-poly build. Main advice from me is, the walls look a little bit bland compared to the actual build, (see the image), and the music doesn’t tend to fit much with the environment. Apart from that, amazing work!