Low-Poly Tree Feedback

Hello DevForum!
I recently followed a tutorial to model a low-poly tree in Blender, and I would like some feedback (not my first time, more like 12th)!

There is no background because I added a transparency channel.
What can I do to improve the camera, lighting, and more?
I know some of the branches and leaves DO look a bit weird… (like the top branches do be super-thin)!


reminds me of the trees in skyrim gg

Thanks! What should I improve on?

The branches are a bit thin at the top but other than that its fine

Yeah, I know. I’ll be sure to make it a bit thicker!

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My honest feedback to you as a 6 year blender user (I experienced cycles, modeling and basic 3d stuff).

I would say, it looks kinda good but I would like to add more leaf blocks. I understand that you’re a beginner Blender user so I will try my best to give my constructive feedback.

Good luck man! :wink:

Great work!

Only feedback would be to remove the dirt at the bottom and make the dirt its own object. This is just so incase you ever wanted to use a tree without the dirt patch below it.

Thank you! The dirt is already its own object.

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Thank you very much! Have a nice day!

Looks great! I just think the branches at the top stem out a bit too far, and the branch itself gets really thin and strange looking. Other than that, I think it looks awesome.

Yes, I know about that. Next time, I’ll be sure to fix that!