Hi There I Would Love So FeedBack on This Cartoon Style House i Made
Constructive criticism Would Be Apreasiated
Hi There I Would Love So FeedBack on This Cartoon Style House i Made
Constructive criticism Would Be Apreasiated
I tell you the truth, I look great. My only doubt is where you did it for blender or for roblox studio
Everything is in Roblox studio except the tree
Looks good so far, but that is a bit too much neon. You can use something like black smooth plastic with a transparency of 0.8 to give it a toned-down look, while still keeping it nice. I would add some more bricks, but make the bricks a little smaller, and stick out of the house a bit more. You could also add some more detail to the door, like having indentations, etc. A power box on the side would look cool, as well as adding a stone path to the door.
You could also add some shrubs/bushes on the side.
Other than that, looks pretty good! Keep up the nice work
Thanks For The Amazing Feed Back