Low quality textures blurring on upload

So I am UV mapping meshes (for a custom character) but for some reason images that are low res (64x64) are becoming blurry when I upload them, and it really messes up how it looks.

The resolution of this is 64x64.


Its only supposed to have one color on each side instead of turning into some blurry mess.


If I upload in a higher quality (256x256) it still happens but less.

Is this some well known issue that I just don’t know or is it just some problem with my PC? Sorry if I am acting stupid or something.

I don’t want to use higher quality images as it would lag more, and also longer download times

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Can we see your UV? It seems like your UV islands don’t have a wide enough margin to accommodate Roblox’s aggressive texture compression. If you only need a single colour, consider just packing the UVs into a single vertex for each colour.

64x64 is probably the lowest resolution I’d go by the way - any lower and Roblox compression will cause a lot of bleeding, like you’re seeing in your case - except the “bleeding” actually just averages out all the colours because, again, aggressive compression.

Sorry if I sent the UV wrong, I am extremely new to blender.

Why does roblox have to add a bilinear filter anyway? I don’t really think it makes sense given that its just a 64x64 image

If you’re new to Blender (and 3D modelling/texturing in general), I recommend reading/watching some tutorials to properly understand how UVs work. Specifically look for Seam Marking and UV Unwrapping.

I’m not about to walk you through it when there are people on Youtube and elsewhere that are waaaaay better at explaining it than I ever could - and it’d help you significantly more than being told how to fix this single situation.


alright, i will look into that then. thanks!

edit: do you still have any idea why roblox has to compress tiny images?

If you haven’t already, try In the node editor change the image thing from linear to closest

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I know im probably sounding like an idiot, but where is that? This is my 3rd time ever using blender lol

Yep, Roblox uses a bilinear filter on all images. If you want a pixel art (think like Minecraft) look, you’re gonna have to upscale your textures… pretty large, actually. It’s in the feature requests somewhere to enable a nearest-neighbor filter alternative so pixel art would be viable without needing to manually upscale the tiny textures needed for pixel art.


ok, that fixed it for now. thanks

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