Low Retention on Experience (D1)

My game just came out, I put a lot of work into it and expected it to succeed and so I put 100,000 ROBUX in sponsors for one day and 50,000 ROBUX into an ad for the same day. The game got about 6K visits with barely anyone playing it when they saw the sponsor and ad. The playtime is a good 8-10 minutes but the D1 retention is horrible in my eyes, please help me understand what I am doing wrong.

Game Link : 🎪 Escape The Clown's Circus! [🎈 OBBY] - Roblox

Ad :

Icon :


The retention in question:

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I’m not the target audience but I joined the game and in 10 minutes I got to stage 20 or something, it just gets boring real quick since its too easy I don’t know really know if other people think the same but that would be my guess.


Just at a glance, I REALLY like the ad, but the clown got massively nerfed in the icon. Way too dark, details are lost, kind of soulless. Did you test out different versions of the icon and chose the best CTR before throwing 100k robux at it…?

Don’t have time to play right now, but will check out it later, because I instantly liked how polished the intro was. In general, what mechanics do you use to increase replayability and player “stickiness”?


I didn’t test the thumbnail like a GENUIS and so it got like 7.6M impressions and 0.1% CTR or whatever. I just changed thumbnail and this new one gets 3-4% CTR.


Wow, that’s an INSANE increase, but I can totally see why - the new one much much better. I would still play around with contrast, because clown hair blends into the background, but not sure if you need to experiment with 4% CTR - best not to touch it :smiley:

What’s the conversion rate for sponsored ads, if I may ask?

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It is 2.557%.

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Holy shit I’m realling making a wrong kind of game :smiley: I had 0.1% conversion rate and THOUGHT it was decent. Very nice! Will have to step up my store presentation.

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