Currently, if you create a post or just reply to another, a post cooldown is activated. It lasts about 45 seconds, in which you cannot reply to anything else, messages included. The problem is it counts the “Something Else” flag option aswell, which by default sends a message to the mod team of the forum, thus activating the cooldown. Thus becomes a problem if you were to respond to people in a category and stumble upon a rule-breaking post. “Something Else” flags work different than the other options, which is why I only use this option
A solution for this is to disable it entirely, lower the cooldown or add whitelists for the mod team as message receivers. Or just internally mark the flags as “important” messages.
How many times per day are you hitting this during a regular session on the forum?
If this affects many users’ experience inappropriately we can tune it differently but would need to see evidence of it seriously affecting user experience.
I don’t really think others have this problem, but I do experience this about 2-3 times a day. Really depends on the amount of rule-brwaking posts and, well, my amount of boredom to spend the whole day on the forum.
Discussed internally and decided we are okay making this a bit less sensitive.
I made the change just now to make the limit less sensitive.
Your issue should be largely resolved now. It’s expected to still hit this limit if you really frequently make posts in quick succession, as we do want to discourage posting too fast. (posts should be insightful to the conversation, and flag messages (if selecting custom reason) should be detailed enough for us to action)