LowHealth effect

So i’m trying to recreate this low health effect : KILLING MASS TEAMERS In Criminality Roblox (IM UNBANNED) - YouTube
As you can see all the sounds just “blur” and a heart beat sound plays, the screen goes red and if you notice there’s a gui saying Hold F to slow blood loss. I think this is quite difficult to do but if anyone knows how i could do this it would be really appreciated! (pls include lines of code if possible!)

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  • First detect if the health is low or not. (lower than 10% for example.) Humanoid | Roblox Creator Documentation

  • Then locally enable blur effect and play the sounds.

  • Add a shaking Humanoid | Roblox Creator Documentation.

  • You can pretty much make the F to slow blood loss after you have detected low health.

  • Well that’s about it from me. Honestly not that difficult if you go part by part. Good luck making it.


you could make a script that adjusts the fov to the heartbeat sound to give it that more oomph

How can i do that? i’ve never done that before

How can i make the f to slow blood loss?


Ik how health change works but not how to adjust the fov to the heart beat

you could make a script that slowly gets rid of your health, then once the key F is held the script gets rid of less of your health

try using playbackLoudness/camera.FOV

pssst, just popping in here, playbackloudness only works on client
^ just so he knows

waiitttt mrkomps do i know you from somewhere

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thats okay, might aswell add that camera.FOV is also local

hmm how can i get rid of the health slowly when he holds f?
And is there any post you’d recomment for playback loudness / camera fov?

maybe, I made a game so hell if I know

  • First make a Blood Loss System

Make a loop with a condition.

while LossOfBlood == true do

Then run a for loop within to deduct health.

  • Once you have made the blood loss system. Then you can use
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local spaceHeld = UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.F)


local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(input, gameProcessed)

To check when a player is and is not pressing “F” and then reduce the bloodloss amount in the system.

You can continue your own research on this topic once you know more about Roblox Studio Code.

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I got one more question so how can i make the blood loss system because i didn’t understand very well (could you include any line of code that helps the process)

Local LossOfBlood = false
Local AmountOfBlood = 1

while LossOfBlood == true then
    for i= 100, 0, -1 do
	   Health = Health - AmountOfBlood

When ever the LossOfBlood is changed then the system will deduct health every second (1 point in this example.)

And when F is detected the AmountOfBlood is can be reduced.
That’s all for my side. Good Luck.

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Ok thx for the help mate :slight_smile:

I just noticed that you didn’t define the actual health to be reduced?

Oh nvm i think i found a way to do it