Nix Cafe LR Training Guide
This is the official and only training/hosting guide for Nix Cafe. This guide is only to be viewed and utilized by those ranked MR+ at Nix Cafe. Any leaking or copying of this document will result in an immediate termination from Nix Cafe.
Rank Information
- Host: 11+
- Co-Host: 11+
- Trainer: 6+
- Assistant: 6+
General Information
- The Host or Co-Host must name and assign teams and colours to Trainees and Trainers at least 5 minutes before the starting time. Try to keep the amount of Trainees in each team balanced.
- Any training staff must have this guide ready before the session begins.
- Ranks 3-10 may not spectate sessions.
- A backup MR for each colour is recommended in case the Trainer disconnects or leaves early.
- Extra MRs are to be dismissed.
- The Host must join at least 20 - 30 minutes before the session starts If the Host has not arrived at their session by XX:40, a replacement Host will be selected.
- 20 minutes before the starting time, the Host will announce the session in the Discord server and the group shout.
- Trainers and Assistants may start to join 20 - 30 minutes before the starting time. Joining any earlier is any encouraged as you will most likely just be standing around for a bit.
Shout Format | Discord
There is going to be a training session held at [INSERT TIME] EST! Those who are ranks 1-4 will be eligible to visit the Training Center and train for a possible promotion! MR+ (ranks 6+) will be able to come down to assist!
Shout Format | Group Wall
- A few moments before the session is to begin, copy and paste the text below in #high-rank-chat, under the High Ranks category in the Discord server. This causes the bot to help you announce the session, instead of having you to type it out in the group.
.shout [TRAINING] A training session is going to commence at [INSERT TIME] EST! Those who are ranks 1-4 will be eligible to come to the Training Center, and MRs/HRs will be able to come assist! See you all down there!
- Once the server has been locked for the session to begin, copy and paste the text below in #high-rank-chat, under the High Ranks category in the Discord server.
.shout [TRAINING] Unfortunately, the XX:XX EST training has been slocked and is commencing shortly. Do not fret if you were not able to make it, we host daily sessions!
Enabling/Disabling PTS
- Approximately 10 minutes before the session starts, the Host may enable PTS by announcing in-game:
:m PTS (Permission to Speak) is in effect! Please do not speak unless you are given permission to do so. If you need to ask a question, simply ask by saying ‘PTS’ beforehand, then an MR+ will come to you and either grant you permission or deny it.
When a Trainee says “PTS” in the chat, any MR+ may grant their request and answer any inquiries they may have during this time.
PTS must later on be denied a few minutes before the session is beginning. This is to prevent discussion while the rules are being explained.
:m PTS (Permission to Speak) is now denied. If you gain any further questions at this time, please save them for your Trainers and Assistants. Anyone who continues to speak may be removed from the session.
Sorting Teams
- At least 5 minutes before the starting time, either the Host or the Co-Host may start teaming Trainees and Trainers, along with Assistants.
- Try your best to balance out the number of Trainees in each team.
- The command to do so is listed below.
Starting Trainings
Right before the Host introduces themself, make sure that you or someone has the server locked. You can do this by saying “:slock”. After the server is locked, the Host may begin.
Introductions and Regulations
[HOST] :m Welcome to today’s training session! My name is [INSERT USERNAME], and I will be your Host for this session! We will go over the rules and terms here shortly.
[CO-HOST] :m Hello! My name is [INSERT USERNAME], and I am the Co-Host for this session!
[HOST] :m My Co-Host will be going over the rules and the terms for this training session. Please give them your undivided attention as they do so.
[CO-HOST] :m Please give me your attention so we may go over these rules and terms quickly.
[CO-HOST] :m Rule I: Grammar is needed in order to pass this session. You will be given a maximum of lll grammar strikes. Surpassing that amount will lead to your failure for this session.
[CO-HOST] :m Rule II: Disrespect will not be tolerated under any circumstance. If you are caught being disrespectful to anybody during the training session you will automatically be failed, kicked, and demoted. Please note that arguing with the trainers, staff, and your teammates counts as disrespect.
[CO-HOST] :m Rule III: If you need to go AFK for any reason, you must get approval from your trainer. Failure to do so will result in an automatic fail and removal from the server.
[CO-HOST] :m Unfortunately, if you leave or disconnect, you will be unable to join back.
[CO-HOST] :m By participating in this session you are agreeing to follow all of our rules and fulfill your position’s expectations.
[CO-HOST] :m Note that there will be a total of III sections during your training: Informal, Simulation, and Disruption.
[CO-HOST] :m Thank you for listening to the rules and terms. I will now turn everything over to the Host.
[HOST] :m Trainers, please go to your corresponding colours. Trainees, please remain seated for further instructions.
[HOST] :m Alright, everything seems good to go. Trainees, you may now head to your corresponding colours.
[HOST] :h No one should begin until further instructions have been received.
At this time, everyone should be at their stations. Members who are not cooperating and causing minor disruption should be verbally warned once. Continual will result in removal. Members who are causing major disruption will not need a verbal warning, they may be kicked immediately by the Host, Co-Host or a Spectator.
[HOST] :m All members participating have now arrived at their stations. Everyone is now able to begin. Feel free to contact the Host or Co-Host for assistance with permission from your Trainers.
Taking Attendance
- At this time, the Host will take attendance in #session-logs in the Discord server, underneath the High Ranks category.
- All LR+ attendees should be logged using the proper format. Failure to log may result in a warning.
[TRAINER] Welcome, Trainees, to this session! I am [INSERT USERNAME], and I will be your Trainer for this session!
[ASSISTANTS] Greetings! I am [INSERT USERNAME], and I will be your Assistant Trainer during this session. We wish you the best of luck!
[TRAINER] Does anyone have any questions before we jump into the training? Please respond to ensure you aren’t AFK!
[TRAINER] Alright! We will now begin the training.
Section 1: Simulation
[TRAINER] We will now be going into section I, simulation.
[TRAINER] During this section, we will come up to you. You are to greet us as we are normal customers. We will check for grammar errors and spelling errors.
[TRAINER] An ideal greeting will be followed:
[TRAINER] “Hello! Welcome to Ni x Cafe! My name is [INSERT USERNAME]. How may I serve you today? Please remember that the menu is above and we allow a max of III items!”
[TRAINER] Once a greeting has been stated, an Assistant will request an order consisting of two items of their choice.
[TRAINER] You will be required to serve them properly, then state an outro.
[TRAINER] An ideal outro will be followed:
[TRAINER] “Thank you for visiting Ni x Cafe! It has been a pleasure serving you today, we hope to see you again soon!”
[TRAINER] This round will be worth three points. One point for a greeting, another for the order, and a final for the outro.
[TRAINER] Are there any questions before we begin? A response is mandatory to ensure that you are not AFK.
[TRAINER] We will now walk up to you individually. When we walk up to you, please state your greeting. We will correct any grammar mistakes if it is needed.
(The Trainer/Assistants may walk up to the Trainees. Please wait for them to say their greeting. You may correct any grammar or spelling mistakes at this time before proceeding to the next line.)
[ASSISTANTS] May I have a [FOOD] and a [DRINK], please?
[ASSISTANTS] Outro, please.
NOTE: If the Trainee makes a grammar or spelling mistake but corrects it, they do NOT receive a strike.
If the Trainee greets and serves you properly, then states an outro, award them three points. A point should be deducted for each missing factor.
Section 2: Trivia
[TRAINER] Welcome to the informal portion of your training! These are simple questions to examine your current knowledge.
[TRAINER] Please send what you believe is the correct answer in the PM once received.
[TRAINER] You will get a decent amount of time to answer each question, but taking too long could result in failure.
[TRAINER] Once you have responded to your Assistant’s PM, they will give you the correct answer.
[TRAINER] Any questions before we begin? Please respond to ensure you aren’t AFK.
[TRAINER] Alright. We will now begin.
Questions (ASK 3):
[ASSISTANTS] :pm (username[S]) How many warnings do you give a troller?
Answer: II (2).
[ASSISTANTS] :pm (username[s]) What do you do if you encounter an exploiter?
Answer: Contact an MR/HR ASAP.
[ASSISTANTS] :pm (usernames[s]) Do we serve [FOOD/DRINK/ITEM]?
Answer: Yes/No depending on if we serve it.
[ASSISTANTS] :pm (username[s]) Do we warn for caps abuse?
Answer: Only if the person is using it to troll.
[ASSISTANTS] :pm (username) Up to how many items can a customer order at a time?
Answer: III (3).
While the Trainees answer the 3 questions, the Assistant Trainer may award them with a point for every question they got correct. 1 point for every question. If an answer is only partially correct, the Trainee should not receive a point.
Section 3: Disruption
[TRAINER] Great job, everyone! We are now on the final stage of your training, the disruption simulation!
[TRAINER] Please remember that we only give trollers III warnings. After you have given them the maximum amount of warnings, contact an MR/HR.
[TRAINER] Note that major spammers, customers with inappropriate attire, bypassers, and exploiters will get ZERO warnings. Contact an MR/HR immediately in those cases for either a kick or a ban.
[TRAINER] For the purpose of this training, you will say -Contacts MR/HR- since this will just be a role-play.
[TRAINER] However in the case where you are at the cafe, you can call an MR+ by going to the group wall, calling one in game, or from our Communications Server.
[TRAINER] Are there any questions before we start the disruption simulation?
[TRAINER] The simulation will commence when an Assistant has walked up to you. Please state your greeting as if they were regular customers.
NOTE: You can simulate trolling, spamming, or exploiting. Inappropriate attire or bypassing will not be permitted as you are a staff member at Nix. Please make it clear that you are trolling. Do not make subtle trolls as this will confuse the Trainees.
After simulations, award a point to the Trainee if they have followed the right procedure and gave out 3 warnings as you trolled, or if they immediately contacted someone if you were exploiting, wearing inappropriate attire, or spamming majorly. However, if the Trainee struggled and required your assistance, they will not receive a point.
There are a total of 7 points that Trainees will be able to receive. Trainees need the bare MINIMUM of 4 out of the 7 points to pass the training session. If they have anything less than that, you must fail them. Remember to be kind and respectful about it. If the Trainee has passed, you may take them to the Host or Co-Host to be ranked.
Passing Notice
TRAINER Congratulations! You have passed this training session! Please wait for the promoter to rank you.
Photos are optional. Trainees may leave after they have been ranked. If the Trainee does not leave on their own, you may dismiss them using the following command:
:kick [USERNAME] Ranked! Can’t wait to see you at the cafe!
Failure Notice
TRAINER Unfortunately, you did not meet the amount of points required to pass this session. Don’t be discouraged, as you can always try again!
TRAINER :kick [USERNAME] You did not receive the sufficient amount of points needed to pass this session! Please feel free to try again next time!
Ranking | Promoter
To rank a Trainee who has passed, go to #high-rank-chat under the High Ranks category and say this:
Make sure you are typing the correct username. Sometimes, lowercase Ls are replaced with capital Is.
Made by the Nix Staffing Team.