Lua chat broken, ChatServiceRunner and all of its modules have 0 lines of code and throw an error when required()'d

Module code did not return exactly one value is returned when I require the ChatService module inside ChatServiceRunner, or any of the modules for that matter. When I open the ChatService module, its parent the ChatServiceRunner, or any of its sibling modules, they’re all empty and have no code in them. This means the chat also never loads.

ChatServiceRunner with 0 lines of code in it:

No visible chat window in-game, even after clicking the chat button.

Expected behavior

For the lua chat to load and give me a chat window, and for requiring the ChatService module to not throw an error.

What I expect chat to look like; functional.

Edit: And to be clear, I have not forked the ChatServiceRunner. There is no script with that name in my serverScriptService until I enter run mode.

Thanks for the report. We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.