Lua Chat System Page - Smart Quotes

On the Lua Chat System tutorial on the DevHub, under the title “Basic Channel Configuration”, the line of code myChannel.WelcomeMessage = “Welcome to my channel!” uses smart quotes ( and ), which will error in programming. This should be fixed as smart quotes do not work in programming and will cause an error.


Maybe this is intentional to discourage skidding directly off the devhub :thinking:

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They don’t do that. It’d be dumb to do, for everyone, plus someone could just easily replace those special quotation marks with proper ones while copying manually. This looks to me like an honest error.


If I recall correctly the old wiki had a couple of smart quote issues. Possible these issues transferred over.

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Smart quotes were meant to be mostly removed a while ago, pinging @ArchiveChampion to take another look.

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These characters were corrected in ‘code sample’ pages but it seems some tutorials slipped through the net.

The issue on this page has been corrected. Thanks for flagging this.

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