This is a simple Discord webhook class I made based on discord.js’s MessageEmbed Class for Roblox since I noticed how hard it is to craft a nice looking embed from pure JSON for new users.
.setAuthor(Name, ImageUrl, Hyperlink)
.setFooter(Footer, ImageUrl)
.setTimestamp(osTimeDate, parser?)
.addField(Name, Value, Inline?)
.setThumbnail(ImageUrl, Width, Height)
.setImage(ImageUrl, Width, Height)
Example Script
local Classes = script.Classes;
local DiscordEmbed = require(Classes.Embed);
local Webhook = require(Classes.WebhookClient);
local TestWebhook = Webhook("LINK");
.setAuthor('ROBLOX', '')
.setTitle("Example Embed")
.setDescription('This is the embed\'s description!')
.addField("Inline Test", "This is an inline field", true)
.addField("Inline Test #2", "This is another inline field", true)
.addField("Normal Test", "This is a normal field", false)
.setTimestamp("!*t"), true)
.setFooter("Sent from Lua Ingame")