Lua Discord Webhook Class (Based off of Discord.js)

This is a simple Discord webhook class I made based on discord.js’s MessageEmbed Class for Roblox since I noticed how hard it is to craft a nice looking embed from pure JSON for new users.

  • .setAuthor(Name, ImageUrl, Hyperlink)
  • .setTitle(Title)
  • .setUrl(Hyperlink)
  • .setDescription(Description)
  • .setFooter(Footer, ImageUrl)
  • .setTimestamp(osTimeDate, parser?)
  • .addField(Name, Value, Inline?)
  • .setColor(HexColor)
  • .setThumbnail(ImageUrl, Width, Height)
  • .setImage(ImageUrl, Width, Height)

Example Script

local Classes = script.Classes;
local DiscordEmbed = require(Classes.Embed);
local Webhook = require(Classes.WebhookClient);

local TestWebhook = Webhook("LINK");

	.setAuthor('ROBLOX', '')
	.setTitle("Example Embed")
	.setDescription('This is the embed\'s description!')
	.addField("Inline Test", "This is an inline field", true)
	.addField("Inline Test #2", "This is another inline field", true)
	.addField("Normal Test", "This is a normal field", false)
	.setTimestamp("!*t"), true)
	.setFooter("Sent from Lua Ingame")


Very useful! nice open source tho. :+1:

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And what exactly is this webhook supposed to do? (Out of curiosity)

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It sends embedded messages to Discord, you can use it for various utilities and getting information from inside a game server. What you use it for is up to you.

Alright. Thanks for the info! :wine_glass: Cheers!

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damnnn that’s cool. might use this later on. thanks! :slight_smile:


Wow! This is very useful, I was attempting to create this on my own but came upon this. All it takes is a few steps to set it up with whatever event you want to use it with and it works! Thank you for this release :slight_smile:

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