Is there a way to specify parameters as a certain class or is that not possible with Lua objects?
Do you mean something like this?
function Object.method(parameter: <Object>)
If so, yes, you would just need to specify or grab the type information for the object:
type ObjectType = { -- Example type definition
Index: "luau"
function Object.method(arg: ObjectType) -- specify the type in the parameters
Likewise, you can also do this for Roblox Instances:
function Object.method(parameter: BasePart) -- Expects a BasePart to be passed
will these persist through separate scripts?
Yes, but for types to be used in multiple scripts, you’d have to use ModuleScripts and the export
-- In a ModuleScript
export type ObjectType = { -- Exports tells the ModuleScript that this can be used both in the script and in another script
Index: "Luau"
return nil -- You don't need to return anything in the ModuleScript to access the types
-- In a regular script
local types = require(ModuleScript)
local function foo(a: types.ObjectType) -- Access the type by doing ModuleScript.Type
Is it best practice to keep all custom types in a separate module script? Ive seen some people do so with their own modules scripts so I was wondering if that was the best practice.
(edit: Does it work in other module scripts or only in normal scripts?)
Personally, I do so. If I’m going to use a specific type in many different scripts, I usually make a ModuleScript for that specific type (and any others if needed)
It also works in other Modules
I think it depends on the use case, if it’s a type that’s only but frequently used in a single script, I would just define it in the script itself. Using modules to define types is for data that are literally used everywhere. This also applies to inherited types;
--a module
export type Thing = {a: number, b: () -> ()}
--a script
local module = require(workspace.module)
type betterThing = module.Thing & {c: () -> ()} --the "c" attribute is exclusive to this script
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