LuaBlocks | A Visual Programming Plugin | BIG NEWS!

There is not as it is not ready to be tested.

But can we have images of the progress of your project? Or this one is “secret”.

Because it was scheduled for August 2018 if I’m not mistaken. :frowning:

I don’t think the argument of VPLs being “fake programming” is fair at all. I’ve talked with multiple well-established developers who are primarily asset creators and they seem to agree that Roblox scripting has gotten a lot more complicated than it was nearly a decade ago. Being able to abstract away all of the framework infrastructure of a game and instead focus on the functionality of your game would be an awesome ability to have. The issue with things like Scratch is you’re very limited in terms of API, the assets are all 2D and generally aren’t very good because there’s not much customization with them. Roblox would be the perfect platform up from Scratch to have a VPL, if the system has support for lots of different aspects of the Roblox API.


I thought I had gifs of it on here but I guess not hmmm. I can upload gifs as the project gets to that point but as of now its almost just an idea. I had worked on this project for a while and it went through multiple different reeditions but the rendition I mention in this post is the final one and I took a break from the platform as I started to work on it so not much of it is completed at this moment.

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If LuaBlox ever comes out, I hope you charge for it rather than open a patreon, maybe have a free version with limited functionality. LuaBlox will make development faster, easier and games more efficient for devs like myself that specialize in environment design and building rather than scripting. Patreon isn’t guaranteed revenue and this project will change Roblox for a VERY long time (until/if roblox makes their own VPL) I would gladly pay 5-10$ maybe even more for the potential functionality and streamlining this offers to people that can barely get a simple menu gui to work (like me).


Hi, how is the progress on this plugin?


Make it into a ‘game’ so you can sell access for it through a game pass or a developer product and then just let them copy the generated Lua code from a text box after they’re done creating the script.

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I feel like that would be too much extra work to fix something in your code

And you can charge for plugins @UnscriptableeS15

Ah, this sounds like an interesting project based off of this description, but could you provide some screenshots of the actual plugin. It’s kind of hard to get hyped for something without knowing what exactly your getting hyped for, y’know.

P.S. I most likely won’t use this too heavily, as I’m very fluid in LUA, Roblox LUA, and many other programming languages. But I really like this idea of incorporating visual programming into Roblox. Roblox is ovbiosly targeted towards young children who don’t know how to program or struggle to learn. Visual programming is an amazing way to teach children to make games and program, and I support this project all the way.

Another P.S. I actually found this thread when I was researching for my own visual programming plugin. You beat me too it, unfortunately for me. Oh well, good luck on development. <3

Im so glad your working on this again


any updates on this plugin? i hope it releases soon


R.I.P the development of LuaBlox

I’ll miss it :slightly_frowning_face:

Edit: Oh wait it’s on an indefinite hold…



LuaBlocks is back baby! With a new name, a website in the works, and a new price tag… Expect updates here, so follow the post if you would like to keep in the loop. I plan to release some form of the plugin by Christmas of this year.


Keep working on this, I’d suggest making it free since there are a lot of beginners on Roblox.
It will single handedly the greatest plugin on Roblox if you decide release it…


is this still being worked on? No updates makes this look grim unfortunately


Bro. This is perfect for people like me who are great at brainstorming, but inexperienced in executing the idea. This will definitely help me!


Can you please make a BETA access system?


Can we see screenshots and previews of the plugin?

I can’t wait for this! Hope this comes out soon.