Luau argument count mismatch with assert function

Issue Type: Display
Impact: Low
Frequency: Constantly

Reproduction Steps:
Pass in the optional 2nd argument to the assert function, and it should should an argument count mismatch warning.

Expected Behavior:
The optional 2nd argument of the assert function should be recognized as valid.

Actual Behavior:
Every script using assert normally is producing a warning about the function’s 2nd argument.

One hack workaround is to redefine the type of assert, which given it’s current functionality seems to be:

local assert: (...any) -> (...any) = assert

I figure this is a small problem that doesn’t require any code changes to fix, so I won’t be using the workaround.


I’ve noticed that, and I will say it’s very annoying. There’s also instances of that happening with random lines of code such as var = instance

Phew! I was just about to report this, it’s so annoying! I use assertions to make sure I don’t mix up arguments and now it’s giving annoying warnings.

Edit: Ignore the fact that the third assertion says “First argument”… did make me fix it, though! ;(

Thanks for reporting! A fix is in the works.


This issue should now be resolved! If this issue is still occurring, please create a new topic for us to look into.

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