Luau Registry Reachability Analysis Profiler for Roblox

I’ve been working on a tool tailored for analyzing memory usage. It extracts the Luau Registry Heap data from the client and then visualizes it for a clearer understanding of memory allocation.

This works really well for quickly identifying memory growth issues, and basically giving a more detailed view of memory allocation compared to the Microprofiler where its more focused on identifying performance slowdowns by frame time.

I use hierarchical graphs (reachability analysis) to compare memory usage over time, providing effective diagnosis of memory-related issues by highlighting differences and patterns in memory allocation.

TLDR; finds out where a collection of objects are not freed from memory quickly as possible in complex scenarios where Microprofiler doesn’t help.

only possible on special clients at the moment :slight_smile: (video is a demo on The Wild West memory heap)


Wow this looks like an absolutely fantastic resource for memory use analysis. Beautiful UI and looks like it’s feeding back a lot of great information - awesome. If you made this available for use I’d certainly use it for debugging memory use.


This is great, I can’t begin to describe how much I need a tool like this.

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Incredible! And such a neat, convenient interface. I’m very excited to jump on board and try it out when it’s released. (If it’s released :slight_smile:)

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