Sometimes when using complex luau types that are built up of many sub-types and intersections the script editor will highlight the problem variable as being unable to convert/cast etc.
This could result from a misunderstanding on my end, but I’ve shared my example case w/ a few people and they too can’t really figure out what’s going on.
For example, say my type definitions are like so:
type PetsOriginMandatory = {
year: number,
type PetsOriginOptional = {
example: string?,
type PetsOrigin = PetsOriginMandatory & PetsOriginOptional
type PetsMandatory = {
origin: PetsOrigin,
model: string,
type PetsOptional = {
is_egg: boolean?,
type Pets = PetsMandatory & PetsOptional
When I try to use these definitions the script editor yells at me:
local function methodTakesPets(pets: { [string]: Pets })
-- incorrect failure and unhelpful error:
["cat"] = {
model = "Cat",
origin = {
year = 2019,
example = "test",
is_egg = false,
-- incorrect failure and unhelpful error:
local cat = {
model = "Cat",
origin = {
year = 2019,
example = "test",
is_egg = false,
} :: Pets
-- incorrect failure and helpful but incorrect error:
local cat: Pets = {
model = "Cat",
origin = {
year = 2019,
example = "test",
is_egg = false,
Also, in the above when I say “unhelpful error” I mean that when hovering the error provided by luau doesn’t actually give me any useful information that I could use to fix the perceived issue.
For example:
As far as I can tell the issue seems to be that the origin table can’t seem to match up with the origin type because of something to do with intersections.
I can get it to work if:
- the origin type is combined manually instead of using intersection types
- or the Pets type is combined manually instead of using intersection types
- or the origin table is typecasted with :: PetsOrigin
However, I’m not super keen on using typecasting if it’s not going to work properly in all circumstances.