LuaU types are not autocompleting, nor giving type errors

Hey! Suddenly, I’m not receiving LuaU type errors, for example, you can see that in the ModuleTypedef type, the index should be a number, but I put a string, and it’s not giving me an error in the script editor…

How can I fix this?


The autocomplete menu also doesn’t shows:


This bug/problem happens when I use table indexers, example without the table indexer:


Here are some of my settings:

(side note: I have all beta features enabled, however, if I disable them, the bug/problem still occurs)

I’m still having this error… I’m thinking this is a bug, and I would like to gather attention to Roblox bug staff, so they can do something about this… If there’s any thread posted in the forum talking about how to post a #bug-reports without being a Regular member, please send me it on private messages.

Only thing I would suggest is reinstall studio and see if that fixes it

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Maybe I’m missing something but ModuleTypedef looks like it’s keys are number, but you’re trying to create a key ["d"] which is a string?

Does the autocomplete appear if you use [1] as a key instead?

I’ve tried reinstalling it, and it’s still not working; even with plugins off.

I tested it and it does!


But now, the problem should be that the editor should have underlined it with an error that it should be a number and not a string (before this happened it used to be like that).

When assigning a table to a typed variable, Luau does not care if there are extra keys in that table.

The table is only sealed, after it’s assigned:

type MyType = { a: number }

-- this is fine, we can use a wider type in assignment
local x: MyType = { a = 1, b = 2 }

-- ... but we can't actually access that additional property
print(x.b) -- error!
x.b = 3    -- error!

This is an intended feature.

If you really wanted you could explicitly say “all other keys should be nil”, but then you wouldn’t get errors when accessing non-explicitly-defined properties:

type MyType = { a: number, [any]: nil }

local x: MyType = { a = 1, b = 2 } -- error! 2 is not nil

print(x.b) -- NOT an error anymore, just always nil
print(x.asdf) -- also NOT an error
x.b = 3    -- error! 3 is not nil

I don’t recommend doing that ^

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But then… How would I make a dictionary that can accept any string as the key, and follow a specific type definition in their value?

Change the [number] to [string] in the ModuleTypedef

I thought you were intentionally using number keys there.

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Oh, alright. I’ll use it like that, thank you!