Luausignal | Another signal implementation lol


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luausignal is a signal implementation written for modern Luau, with modern best practices.

local signal = require(

local tookDamage: signal.Identity<Player, number> = signal()

tookDamage:connect(function(player, amount)
	print(`player { player.Name } took { amount } damage!`)

tookDamage:fire(Players.theReader101, 50)

It’s a table. Don’t worry about memory leaks.

luausignal is just a table, with a metatable. The connections are just functions in an array. This means that it will be garbage collected.


  • Disconnecting is something like 90% faster than GoodSignal’s implementation
  • Automated testing to guarantee behavior
  • Isn’t trying to mirror RbxScriptSignal, so no unnecessary connection class.
  • Better memory usage