The LuaUtility plugin also includes custom macros and built-in macros are ready for you to use. Do note that LuaUtility macros aren’t the best compared to other plugins (but those cost money while LuaUtility is free!) And of course, LuaUtility will continue to improve because as of right now when doing number:ToRomanNumerals or Humanoid:Ragdoll, it doesn’t show it while editing (like the dropdown)
I thought this was some kind of superset that can be compiled to Luau, but it’s yet another utility module, that just overrides some globals yet probably runs worse than other utility modules because of it
Also, please, just don’t gatekeep documentation in your server, that’s an awful thing to do, publish it to GitHub and for the least have documentation written in this post
You made this plugin. How did you not notice that?
You can’t actually add metatables to instances and certainly not numbers. Therefore everything that you added functions to that you can call with : now must be a table.
And why are we calling tonumber() on a number anyway??
Well if I do 1:ToRomanNumerals() theres a red line indicating that the scripts is gonna error and it gets annoying having that there so that’s why I did to number instead of just 1
Okay after some time I’ve updated Luau+ (which is now LuaUtility because of rebranding)
Here are the changes:
Rebranded to LuaUtility
Updated demonstration video so it includes the documentation inside so people don’t think there are only two functions
Added //selection macro which returns local {selection.Name} = game.{selection:GetFullName()}
The discord server has been replaced with GitHub
Manual Mode makes it so you have to do the conversion manually (LuaUtility does this automatically for you but if you want to do it manually enable this in settings)
I wasn’t sure what to change the flag to because of the rebranding because it can’t be --luau+ anymore so it’s now --luauu until someone recommends a better one.