LuckiestGuy and SpecialElite font has alignment issues

Hello, with the new release of the new text fonts that were released some time ago like a week ago, and with the current update of the new fonts that was out a couple of hours ago, there have been some issues that I and other developers are facing when placing these fonts into our games and in TextLabel or TextButton and that would be the alignment issue that is starting to happen in any situation actually with Health GUI, loading screens and more.

Some of these fonts that are taken for example are the LuckiestGuy and SpecialElite which has some alignment issues on the Y axis and height when placing it on a TextLabel or other text UI
elements, some description is how offset the text or how high it is and started to happen when they were released in Release Notes 449 and beyond when they were live somehow.




How to reproduce:

  • First, open up studio and create a ScreenGui and place/insert a TextLabel into it.
  • Second, choose a font like Luckiest Guy or SpecialElite and enable TextScaled
  • It should show the fonts not being totally centered and possibly touching the borders of a TextLabel / TextButton.

Studio Version: 0.451.0.412446 (64-bit) as of 10/15/2020.

Anyhow, some or more fonts might have alignment issues and size issues with TextScaled on certain fonts which cause other developers to have issues with the gameplay or placement of these fonts in a position and how “off” they are. Wish they would be aligned the same and positioned the same as the other fonts without height and scaling issues.

This is a result of the way fonts are sized and positioned.

Both of these fonts have a very tight ascender, which causes them to appear close to the top of the label. The reason it appears offset is because the descender makes room for letters that drop down such as y, g, p etc.

The important aspect of the way this works is that text should never overflow a text label which has TextSize set to the same height as the height of the label.


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