I haven’t posted in a while, but anyways I recently created a light saber that is wielded by Luke Skywalker. It’s pretty generic and not really fancy but I think it looks ok! It was a very quick build and I just felt like improving especially from my recent build.
It looks fairly good, but has a few things that stand out, I would recommend looking on Google for lukes lightsaber blue prints. Itll show you some details that you may have missed. One thing that I personally noticed is that the blade looks rather odd i assume its neon so it will glow on shadow map or high graphics while on compatibility. But the blade is a little short so I would extend it in some way. Otherwise very nice looking build and keep it up!
Yeah I was going to add the cut circle to the top of the blade but I think I just got too lazy lol. I’m gonna finish it up though probably and make it longer too.
Not a great modeler or builder or anything, but like others have said I feel the blade needs to be longer or the handle shorter. It looks kind of weird with how large the handle is in comparison to the blade.